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FROM MY CORNER:I Love America Too

Howell Hurst American News, Corporate Avarice, Economy & Finance, Education, Humans, People, Poverty, Racial Abuse, Racism

You love America. I love America. We all love America. Even White Supremacists love America.  You can stand up in America and say whatever you want. You can say whatever you want – unless you advocate violent overthrow of the government. You can. I can. White Supremacists can. As long as you don’t advocate violence… continue reading »

FROM MY CORNER: Republicans Speak

Howell Hurst American News, Defining Trump, People, People Politics, Prisons & Jails, Republicans, Trump

PBS’s coverage of the Subcommittee’s Report presents concrete evidence supplied by Republicans of Trump’s influence upon the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol. Any Americans who did not see this live PBS report need to seek it on the Internet and view the entire presentation. Particularly, those who physically attacked the Capitol need to view… continue reading »

FROM MY CORNER: Our Ultimate. Future?

Howell Hurst American News, Defining Trump, Economy & Finance, Humans, People, People Politics, Republicans, Trump, War and Organized Mayhem

The unique American writer Joan Didion once wrote, “Las Vegas is the most extreme and allegorical of American settlements – bizarre and beautiful in its venality . . . in its devotion to immediate gratification . . . which makes it an extraordinarily stimulating and interesting place.” And later she also wrote, “The desert, any… continue reading »