
FROM MY CORNER:Why Share America?

Howell Hurst Uncategorized

FROM MY CORNER: Why Share America? I feel nearly alone in my belief that the 80% of us Americans who have our financial affairs in relatively decent shape ought to consciously divert ourselves from corporate induced obsessive consumption, and instead – concentrate on how we may help the remaining 20% of Americans mired in persistent… continue reading »

FROM MY CORNER:Sharing America

Howell Hurst Uncategorized

FROM MY CORNER Sharing America Hundreds of thousands, probably millions, of Americans are literally homeless or unable to consistently pay a monthly rent or mortgage.  This factual situation exists because the corporate/banking Oligarchs who dominate the United States real estate economy refuse to share their immense yearly profits with the workers who actually do the… continue reading »

FROM MY CORNER:My 2024 Resolution

Howell Hurst Christianity

FROM MY CORNER My 2024 Resolution I have resolved to keep asking why don’t all professed American Christians behave like Christians? Particularly, why don’t the 80% of professed Christian Americans require their corporate business leaders start sharing all their work with all American homeless and poor who need places to work and live? Why don’t… continue reading »

FROM MY CORNER:My 2024 Resolution

Howell Hurst Homelessness, Poverty

FROM MY CORNER My 2024 Resolution I resolve to keep asking why don’t all supposed Christians start behaving like Christians? Particularly, why don’t all of the 80% of Americans who polls claim are Christians get their members to organize and start sharing all work with all homeless and poor who need places to work and… continue reading »