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American News

FROM MY CORNER: Socialism or Capitalism?

Howell Hurst 2024 Presidential Election, American News, Consumerism, Corporate Avarice, Economy & Finance, Education, Humans, People Politics

Phase (4) Four  What does Socialism mean to you? And Capitalism? What do you mean by that? Neither term any longer has meaning. Both are “non-concepts,” words meaning so many different things to so many different people that they have become worthless. Each is used by people so inarticulate they can’t describe what they mean… continue reading »

FROM MY CORNER: Priority, Affordable Housing

Howell Hurst 2024 Presidential Election, American News, Consumerism, Corporate Avarice, Economy & Finance, Homelessness, People Politics, Poverty

Phase (3) Three: While we, through citizen ownership of the military/industrial complex, hold them accountable for every penny of the $$Trillions they tax us for defense; while we require all corporations share ownership and management with employees – let us also require government sell enough of its property to provide long-term mortgages to the bottom… continue reading »

FROM MY CORNER:Who For President?

Howell Hurst American News, Economy & Finance, Homelessness, Military Defense, People Politics, Presidential Election, Putin, War and Organized Mayhem

One of my most loyal readers recently expressed the opinion that if I were a much younger man he would gladly vote for me as President.  Well, I must of course thank him for the compliment. Had I been appropriately educated and socially positioned, I admit I would love to have run sometime for President…. continue reading »


Howell Hurst American News, Defense Spending, Defense vs Diplomacy, Economy & Finance, Military Defense, Presidential Election, War and Organized Mayhem

Logical thought is not the common concern of American politicians. Rather, they see their concern is to hone the public’s emotions. They seek to sharpen (guide) people’s voting so that the candidates actually get elected. Ideally, the goal is for the politician and the public to construct a workable meeting of their minds. Henry Kissinger… continue reading »