
FROM MY CORNER: Go Figure:Do The Math

Howell Hurst American News, Corporate Avarice, Defense Spending, Economy & Finance, Education, Homelessness, Humans, People Politics, Poverty, War and Organized Mayhem

I’ve decided we humans are not smart enough to last a really long time. In our American nearsighted passion, as example, for the concept of Capitalism we have entirely lost the point of life. Life is for keeping all of us alive as long as we can. It is for providing for each and every… continue reading »

FROM MY CORNER:A Guiding Light?

Howell Hurst Corporate Avarice, Defense Spending, Defense vs Diplomacy, Economy & Finance, Education, God, Humans, Military Defense, People Politics, Police, War and Organized Mayhem

No voluminously resounding response followed my last commentary, the one in which I essentially blamed America’s middle class for the USA’s political & social situation. I proposed that our well-paid complacent support of our wealthy controlling Oligarchy is the source of the poverty of 20% of our citizens. My commentary produced neither a massive hurrah… continue reading »

FROM MY CORNER: My American Vision

Howell Hurst Economy & Finance, People Politics, Poverty

America needs enough jobs and housing to provide income and homes for the 20% of our citizens living desperately poor lives.  Giant government and multinational Corporations, owning all available land and assets, could collaboratively provide both if they would stop supporting the immensely rich, real estate-based Oligarchy controlling the U.S. economy. Those of us citizens… continue reading »

FROM MY CORNER: The Oligarchy that Controls our Lives

Howell Hurst American News, Corporate Avarice, Economy & Finance, Poverty, Uncategorized

How much longer are we going to continue to live under a self-serving economic system of the immensely wealthy? America’s Oligarchy is a closely allied 2% or 3% of people who own upwards 90% of The United States. As leaders of gigantic multinational corporations, they collaborate with political leaders of both Republican and Democrat parties… continue reading »