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FROM MY CORNER:A Guiding Light?

Howell Hurst Corporate Avarice, Defense Spending, Defense vs Diplomacy, Economy & Finance, Education, God, Humans, Military Defense, People Politics, Police, War and Organized Mayhem

No voluminously resounding response followed my last commentary, the one in which I essentially blamed America’s middle class for the USA’s political & social situation. I proposed that our well-paid complacent support of our wealthy controlling Oligarchy is the source of the poverty of 20% of our citizens. My commentary produced neither a massive hurrah… continue reading »

FROM MY CORNER:Corporare Capitalist Homelessness

Howell Hurst Consumerism, Corporate Avarice, Economy & Finance, Education, Homelessness, People Politics, Police, Poverty

Over one quarter of all land in America is owned and held off the active housing market in America by the Federal government – allegedly, but not all actually, designated protective nature habitat. More is owned by State, County, City Governments, and Corporations. The balance is owned by Real Estate Companies and Individuals. About one… continue reading »

FROM MY CORNER: One Hour in Texas

Howell Hurst Corporate Avarice, Guns, Police

The Texas police arrived four minutes after the shooter entered the school. One hour later, not a single policeman had stormed the school and engaged the killer. The only reason given by police leaders was that they were waiting for body armor and reinforcements before taking on the single heavily-armed shooter. Pardon me. Being a… continue reading »