FROM MY CORNER: Who Needs Enemies?
Once again, I am reminded of my approaching 84 birthday by the waning power of my short term memory. In my last commentary, I said that 65 million Americans have received their Covid Vaccines without serious allergic reactions.
I mis-spoke when I wrote that. The correct statement is that 65% of all Americans have received their Covid Vaccines. Assuming we have about 330 million Americans, that means that about 215 million Americas have received the vaccines without any major reaction.
So, why is my headline “Who Needs Enemies?”
Simple: I mean that at age 84 one become one’s own worst enemy. The brain is a strange organ. It appears almost universal that as one climbs into a higher age bracket our little gray cells become less reliable. Our brain’s nerve ends seem to go a little bonkers.
So, I somehow wrote an inaccurate statement when I knew the correct statement. Inside my head, I knew what I wanted to write but as I actually typed the tiny keys of my computer, something in my gray cells decided to change my meaning.
Therefore, I unwittingly become my own enemy. Perhaps, my worst. Probably so. As they say, “growing old is not for sissies.” Indeed. One must learn to have patience as one’s thinking machine inside one’s head goes through its ageing process. I’m working on it.
The point is that the figure of 215 million Americans who’ve had their vaccine needs to be compared with the real number who have had serious allergic reactions if we are to ever solve the issue of “Vaccines vs No Vaccines.”
As you mull that over, I think I’ll either go fishing or climb one of the amazing mountains that surround my new home in Las Vegas.
Until next time,