Current online Internet discussions claim that everything is heading to a newly energy-sourced economy. Gas service filling stations will eventually become obsolete as solar, wind, and sea power are harnessed and all vehicles become electric.
Economists project a need for much additional labor, and are asking where will we find the workers to fill all the new jobs coming about through this evolution? Simultaneously, hundreds of thousands (millions?) of destitute refugees worldwide are desperately in need of training, jobs, income.
It is a case of the supply of labor matching the needs of potentially life-sustaining new ventures. The obvious solution is for the billions of dollars of accumulated multinational corporate profits to be invested in recovering the homeless and refugees, and training them for the jobs.
The primary obstacle to connecting these two complementary realities is the corporately-maintained focus solely on short-term profits. Although various non-profit entities attempt to address the refugee and immigrant problem, corporations are substantially absent from the solution.
Corporations remain dedicated to the worn out short-term profit concept as their sole purpose for existing. Their highly overpaid executives are mired in the premise that refugees and homeless are incapable of being educated and trained.
These are ridiculous arguments. Corporations are the key for financing the training to fill the jobs necessary to transfer the planet’s profit-obsessed corporate culture to a comprehensively life sustaining culture for all residents of the Earth.
Journalists have long reported that many, if not most, of the world’s refugees are already educated in some trade or profession. They have lost their livelihoods because of wars, drug cartels, and tyrannical dictatorships in their own countries. Multinational corporations have contributed their share to these problems.
Corporate capitalists hoard accumulated profits. They invest them short-term in such things as speculative real estate, which directly helps deny housing to millions. The rational opportunity of investing in recovering refugees utterly exceeds the intellectual grasp of corporate executives and their stockholders.
It is a remarkable blindness perpetrated by people who, at least in America, would mostly claim to be Christians, proposing they are dedicated to doing unto others as they would be done unto.
I do not write this to criticize Christianity. I do so to condemn the blunt inability of the Christian culture to put its money where its piety allegedly resides. The hypocrisy of their self-serving capitalism is to my eye quite evident. The number who actually identify and give needy people direct financial assistance, I would estimate, is an embarrassing figure.
The point I make is that an overabundance of accumulated corporate and stockholder profit dollars are languishing in the world’s economy. The percentage finding finds its way into helping recover refugees, immigrants, and homeless is disconcertingly small.
I suspect there is enough corporate money misused to house, feed, educate, put to work, and produce living income for all abandoned humans on the planet. One would think that the corporations and stock holders would have organized, researched, and determined how much – or little – of their assets would be needed to recover every abandoned person of the world.
Every refugee and homeless person recovered, housed, trained, and put to work earning income would become, after all, a revitalized consumer of corporate products and services.
All that is required is for corporations to temper their addiction to short-term greed and assume long-term, human-life-sustaining perspectives. People are the best possible investment to save capitalism. Presently it is shooting itself in both feet, and gradually bleeding itself to death.