Our “Christian” Leader
Puerto Rican American citizens remain in almost total devastation, while alleged self-described “Christian role model” Donald Trump wiles away his many leisure hours on his golf courses.
As Trump hands his supporting corporate donors millions of dollars of tax reductions and strives to add $35 billion to the U.S. defense budget, Puerto Ricans have been losing lives in hospitals still often without power to operate life-supporting equipment.
The utter hypocrisy of the man is indescribable. His ability to aid both Puerto Ricans and mainland poverty-stricken Americans is major – and he does nothing but sustain his public relations tweeting, blustering about his own problems.
I have no idea what any writer, let alone my feeble voice, can say to affect the present political situation of this disgusting administration. It is utterly disconnected from tangible reality.
That all the American population is not all up in open protest is deplorable. It is inconceivable what the mindset of Americans has become in this Trumpian age, idealizing self-wealth, allegedly making America great again.
This administration hasn’t a clue how to use the assets of America to make America truly great. Rather, it seems bent on demonstrating internationally what a mentally and morally corrupt thing it is.
The Republican-dominated Senate and House are utterly mute, dumbfounded in their self-protective bubble of political babble, obsessed with appeasing Trump and nurturing their own financial supporters
What can one say?
Really? What can one say?
Words cannot begin to describe the moral pit America has dug itself into.