Update From Monterey, California
Update from Monterey, California
August 30, 2017
For a short time, my comments about the swirling world and its commonly irrational inhabitants remain mostly on hold. I just found a place to live on the Monterey Peninsula, and I am busy setting up a small Video Studio.
Once the Studio is complete, you will begin to receive Links to Video versions of “From My Corner.” I believe you will find them more interesting that all the long-winded black and white printed words you’ve been getting.
I will note now, however, that Hurricane Harvey shows us again how we humans have plenty of natural events to keep us busy trying to preserve the human race without having to continue foot the bill for multibillion dollar “defense” budgets enacted worldwide by all the planet’s alleged “Leaders.”
For example, Mr. Trump’s most recent remark that it is not worth his time talking to Mr. Kim Jung Un of North Korea, but that all his military options remain “on the table,” insures our taxes will continue to support the tremendous egos of our top officials, who so fervently wave the flag and sword when not swinging clubs on golf courses.
But enough!
Keep your eye open for the coming Video version of, “From My Corner.”