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The Absent “F” Word:

Howell Hurst Uncategorized

On the same day this week that the president’s Press Secretary banned from a private news briefing The BBC, The New York Times, CNN, and other select news media, The New York Times simultaneously published a revealing investigative business story about Mr. Trump.

The New York Times story documented one of Mr. Trump’s international business strategies conducted behind the scenes during his political campaign.

Specifically: while Mr. Trump was asserting in his campaign that he would not seek to profit from his presidency, and while he was refusing to reveal his international business holdings via tax returns, his company was acquiring numerous patents in country after country for a wide range of products.

The New York Times was barred by Mr. Trump’s press secretary from the above-mentioned news briefing for supposedly writing “Fake News” stories. The patents documented by The Times were based on factual evidence firmly established and public. There was absolutely nothing “Fake” about them.

The acquired patents hold the potential of directly profiting Mr. Trump’s business in major measure. If you believe that the patent strategy was not known to Mr. Trump as he professed his ignorance of the current management of his business, I applaud your generosity of spirit.

As an aside, just to fill in a potential knowledge gap in your personal education, you may want to click the below Link and study up a bit on a subject that most all media have been careful to avoid talking about in their reporting, whether their stories were “Fake” or not.

I believe you will find it enlightening.

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