The June 11, 2020 edition of The New York Review of Books describes exactly how the U.S. Federal Government has collaborated with the Real Estate Industry to deprive racial minorities of their homes.
The article is a review of the book, “Homewreckers: How a Gang of Wall Street Kingpins, Hedge Fund Magnates, Crooked Banks, and Vulture Capitalists Suckered Millions Out of Their Homes and Demolished the American Dream.”
Most intriguing about the review is the reporter clearly shows that the Obama administration helped organize this theft. This is a case of Wall Street (allegedly against government involvement in anything) was – and remains today, – totally content to do business with Federal involvement – so long as it profits Wall Street.
Its fact-based reporting makes further clear that the millions of Americans who look to Wall Street as a prime provider of truth are themselves duped by the Wall Street they so love, and politicians they trust.
I don’t have space here to explain the details of the theft. The article is several pages long. If you want to see it, you should order a copy of the article, or a full subscription, from The New York Review of Books. Better yet: go to and buy the book and read it.
The book’s writer is Pulitzer Prize winner Aaron Glantz, of the Center for Investigative Reporting. The New York Review of Books’s” reviewer is Francesca Mari.
If this book review and the book itself do not show any of you who remain deeply in love with Wall Street’s capitalism what a confidence game Wall Street is playing on the American people – nothing will.
I learned in 1980 how intellectually, ethically, philosophically, and financially corrupted Wall Street is when I was a licensed stockbroker in San Francisco. After three years (successfully, by the way, earning over $15,000 a month!) I just quit the business.
Screwing my fellow American citizens didn’t sit well with me. It was too easy a way to get rich. All I had to do to remain in the investment trade was trash my own ideals and philosophical beliefs. Something I refused to do.
Someone accused me of being “Noble” for dishing my Wall Street connection. I did nothing noble. I just did what the famous reporter Edward R. Murrow said no real American could ever do.
I chose not to abdicate my responsibility to America’s ever-fragile democracy.
Take the trouble to find the book review. Or read the book.
If you’ve for any doubt that both sides of America’s political Hatfield and McCoy’s battle between the Democratic Left and the Republican Right is a fake, this book ought to open your eyes.
If it doesn’t, you ought to go back to school and take a course in remedial English. Then read the review and the book again.