Hold your breath! Welcome to the latest development in my Independent Presidential Candidacy.
In 2019 my growing staff shall be introducing a new advertising campaign inThe Nation magazine. If you’ve never read The Nation, now is the time to tune into it. It’s pretty feisty reading. It comes in a print and a digital version.
Print has about 150,000 subscribers, digital, about 50,000 readers, all who are supposed to be “Political Influencers.” Since influencing politically awake people is what we want to help America return to some semblance of sanity and rationality, this should be of great interest to you.
Our “Technological Breakthrough” is the tiny Link below.
Theoretically, if you Click It, it should take you to the rest of this Blog, but in full glorified color inside my website – a distinctly more enjoyable experience than just reading an old fashioned black and white Email.
If you did this and it worked, you are now able to read this Blog within the four- color panorama of my website. This has certain advantages: you can review older Videos, see two kindle books available as Christmas gifts, even take a short ride on my boat Wild Goose as it returned from Mexico over a year ago, and see old Archives including Opinion Pieces and even Poems.
Understand: I’m not trying to give you Alternative Facts, but a Brand New Alternative Presidential Candidacy! I figure politics has become so awful, it needs a redesign, a revamping into a new political format.
There will continue to be political messages soon – I will be attacking foggy old ideas and presenting vibrant, thrilling, innovative new ones.
Keep tuned. We’ve just begun. You haven’t seen anything yet.