Thanks To The Republicans:
October 23, 2015
The Benghazi interrogation of Ms. Clinton by Republicans showed how enmity disguised as “business as usual” can backfire. Before the hearing, I thought that this was going to be a rare opportunity afforded Ms. Clinton by the investigating committee. Indeed, it was. How could she otherwise by herself possibly have arranged such a well publicized stage upon which to show her talents as a media communicator?
Whether you or I like her politically or not is not the point. The point is, how could the Republicans not have understood that their pushing their hearing at this time would give her the opportunity to have such an international stage to demonstrate her ability to calmly hold her own and excel rhetorically – prime needed attributes of any presidential candidate.
Imagine how Donald Trump’s bulldog style would have played internationally had he been grilled for eleven hours – on any subject. I have reservations about Ms. Clinton, as anyone may have for reasons pertaining to certain aspects of her personal financial life. But I certainly give her high marks for her performance. She is a stylish, smart, tough, articulate woman.
She reminds me of Ms. Merkel of Germany. Both are poised and solid political street fighters. And, unlike Mr. Trump, whom Clinton may have to take head on eventually, both know how to command a planet-wide stage with the good taste and style that characterize a competent world leader.
I don’t know who I am going to vote for yet in the Presidential race, but one thing is clear to me: I am going to watch Ms. Clinton closely, as I will all candidates on both sides of the aisle, for their developing position statements. As an independent, I feel no obligation to either side of the political aisle. However, I know that one’s ability to function rationally and calmly and with a degree of sensitive humility is a prime attribute of any statesman, or ‘stateslady.’ if I may coin a phrase.
Ms. Clinton certainly possesses that ability.