A Twist on The Putin Affair
A unique newspaper available in 35 countries, and appearing weekly in San Francisco, is The EpochTimes. It is published by English speaking, American-based Chinese, and is definitely anti-Chinese Communist. They have an interesting article today that in many parts of the U.S. you likely have not seen. I’m providing a Link below which will get you to it. It’s about an interesting tool Mr. Obama and the U.S. have to put more pressure on Mr. Putin. I suggest you may want to read it.
By the way, I returned to San Francisco from southern California day before yesterday to be greeted by a Pacific storm now tossing down a steady cold rain. Spring in San Francisco, as Mark Twain knew, can tingle your fingers and turn your nose red. I am taking off in a week to drive to Tulsa through the Northwestern States of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, etc., to attend the April 12 Will Rogers get together in Tulsa.
I’m looking forward to the visit. And to meeting old schoolmates again. See you there, I hope.