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FROM MY CORNER: Socialism or Capitalism?

Howell Hurst 2024 Presidential Election, American News, Consumerism, Corporate Avarice, Economy & Finance, Education, Humans, People Politics

Phase (4) Four  What does Socialism mean to you? And Capitalism? What do you mean by that? Neither term any longer has meaning. Both are “non-concepts,” words meaning so many different things to so many different people that they have become worthless. Each is used by people so inarticulate they can’t describe what they mean… continue reading »

FROM MY CORNER:I Love America Too

Howell Hurst American News, Corporate Avarice, Economy & Finance, Education, Humans, People, Poverty, Racial Abuse, Racism

You love America. I love America. We all love America. Even White Supremacists love America.  You can stand up in America and say whatever you want. You can say whatever you want – unless you advocate violent overthrow of the government. You can. I can. White Supremacists can. As long as you don’t advocate violence… continue reading »

FROM MY CORNER: Go Figure:Do The Math

Howell Hurst American News, Corporate Avarice, Defense Spending, Economy & Finance, Education, Homelessness, Humans, People Politics, Poverty, War and Organized Mayhem

I’ve decided we humans are not smart enough to last a really long time. In our American nearsighted passion, as example, for the concept of Capitalism we have entirely lost the point of life. Life is for keeping all of us alive as long as we can. It is for providing for each and every… continue reading »